Facebook Announcing the Extraordinary Earth Project!
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Announcing the Extraordinary Earth Project!

Nasha Zemlya. Nuestra Tierra. midirachini. Unsere Erde. Dünyamız. airdna. Wǒmen dì dìqiú. Our Earth. We are excited to launch the 2023-2024 Students Rebuild Challenge: the Extraordinary Earth Project!

Sign up your K-12 classroom for a ready-made adventure in global learning!

Why the extraordinary Earth? If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Some may say New York, others may say Cairo, Paris, Seoul, Auckland or any other place on Earth. But … what about Mars? Jupiter? Neptune?

Earth is the only habitable planet in our Solar System. The extraordinary Earth has given us so much: the water we drink, the air we breathe, the grass we run in and the oceans we dive in. But the Earth is vulnerable. Threats to our environment, from droughts, storms, heat waves, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and warming oceans, are affecting our natural resources and communities. But we can take action! Together we can protect our planet so that all humans, for generations to come, can experience its splendor.

What’s involved? This year, we’re inviting students from around the world to join us in learning about the environment, and the things we can do to protect our local and global ecosystems. The Extraordinary Earth Project invites K-12 classrooms to take small actions to make a big difference. Young people will engage in “artivism” (art-based activism) to raise funds for organizations that help to mitigate the effects of climate change and environmental degradation worldwide – from Brazil, Indonesia, Madagascar and more. This year, we’ll be repurposing found objects and junk mail to share a message: Let’s protect the extraordinary Earth together!

Who is involved? We're excited to partner with some amazing global organizations empowering students to make a difference — Choose Love/Choose Earth, Little Amal, National Wildlife Federation, Eden Reforestation Projects, and The Solgaard Nyx Foundation! You can learn more about this year's partners and their impacts by visiting our partner resources page.

How can I participate? Teachers, after you sign up, you can explore ready-made instructional resources and lesson plans on this year's Challenge Page.

No matter what we believe, where we live, or who we are, we are all part of one global community on Earth. Register your classroom for the Extraordinary Earth Project today!

Register online at studentsrebuild.org/earth.