2025: Spark Peace Project
This year, we’re inviting youth around the globe to join us on a journey to build a more peaceful world. Through creative action, students can explore their understanding of peace, identify its barriers, and share their vision for a more compassionate, peaceful, and inclusive society.

Join us!
The Spark Peace Project invites young people everywhere to use their power and creativity to engage with the world’s most pressing issues and build a more peaceful world.
Use our ready-made lesson plans and creative resources to support students as they learn and explore what peace and compassion mean to themselves, their communities, and worldwide.
Students then choose a creative medium to express their ideas about peace. Each work of creative expression—or student engaged—triggers a $5 donation for organizations doing peacebuilding work around the world.

raised of $1,000,000 goal
creative expressions
youth engaged
Why the Spark Peace Project?
Peace and compassion are needed today more than ever.
Young people face an increasingly complex world with global conflicts, social injustices, and mental health challenges shaping their realities.
Help young people grow.
Teaching students about peace helps them develop problem-solving and social-emotional skills and promotes compassion, critical thinking, and collaboration—essential tools for navigating and solving the complex challenges they face and becoming impactful and engaged global citizens.
Students can be empowered.
Deepening their understanding of peace empowers young people to positively impact their world, both now and in the future. It also helps youth explore global issues and connect to youth worldwide.
Art Activity Type

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students were given the prompt to share any signs and symbols of their own choice to celebrate love on the 14th February by aiding those in need.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
This project was rolling legacy yarn and making knit hats to bring calm and peace to the knitter and warmth and peace to the recipient.
John Marshall High School Bears

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Youth made pillowcases to help bring a calm and peaceful slumber.
John Marshall High School Bears

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
We discussed what peace meant to us and how we can bring peace to the world The children drew or wrote one way they can bring/show peace on a heart . We displayed them in our general purpose room.
Portville Morning Progran

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
‘Heartstrings’ began with a conversation about exploring ways to become agents of peace through simple connections. Individual hearts became transformed and intertwined as a symbol of building bridges for peace between all people. By collaborating, students realized that the journey towards global peace begins with them.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
The Tree of Life appears as a symbol of peace, harmony, and balance. Embracing balance and harmony can inspire powerful emotions, including a sense of peace and tranquility and a greater sense of unity with the world around us. Motivated by the Tree of Life, students created their own trees using coiling core tinted with watercolors. The final addition was a symbol made from wire that represents individual student values of peace and unity.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students created poetry and other artwork, Some folded origami to represent peace. This was a school wide lesson to coincide with MLK day of service.
Bonnie Branch Middle School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Library initative where students brought down thier art that they created at home for the PEACE project.
Copeland Coyotes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Every day, positivity quietly influences our lives, shaping our feelings, actions, and reactions. A positive outlook enhances resilience, productivity, and decision-making. Positivity is not about ignoring life’s difficulties but approaching them with a mindset of hope. Integrating positivity into daily life can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
As human beings, we are all the “same kind of different.” Each one of us has a unique mind, personality, and appearance. Each one of us has inherited traits as well as characteristics shaped by our education and life experiences. Most everybody on this planet wants the same things: health, safety, comfort, a sense of purpose and meaning, love, friendship, family, and peace.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Literary Arts
We did a poem writing competition for the whole school, based around what PEACE is. Students wrote various styles of poems – from accrostic, to free style.
Copeland Coyotes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students used a digital platform to create a visual representation (includinganimageandwords) of what creates peace within themselves.
Loud House

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Members of the 3rd Bridgewater Guide Unit were asked to create art to share their personal ideas about peace.
South Shore District Girl Guides

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students were introduced to the Spark Peace project and spent time on reflecting and discussing “What does peace mean to me.” This was followed by an activity to create decorations for the library to visually represent peace within our school.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Visual Art
Imagine Weston National Elementary Honor Society

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
These are learners who are five years old. Spreading peace all over the world. They are the definition of peace should prevail always.
Harvest Mission School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
After reading the book, The Artivist by Nikkolas Smith, our fourth graders were inspired to write acrostic poems to promote PEACE.
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Literary Arts
An acrostic poem using the word ‘doves’. It involved our 1 and only team member and conveys the message to not be afraid of people, and that their lives are many and important in their own ways, deserving of peace.
Carnation Station

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students learned how intellectual freedom and book bans affect peace in libraries and their reading choices, then created bookmarks that advocated for peace and books in libraries.
Wheeler Whisper

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students were introduced to the Spark Peace project and spent time on reflecting and discussing “What does peace mean to me.” This was followed by an activity to create decorations for the library to visually represent peace within our school.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At our school, we implement a school wide activity called Circle Groups. These groups meet once a month for 40 minutes and comprise of students in Preschool – 8th grade and faculty/staff.
18 students and 5 faculty/staff took part in this group project. Our 8th graders designed a lesson based on “inner peace” and chose to create four glitter jars using water, food coloring, and glitter. The glitter jars are now in our classrooms for students to use to promote inner peace.
Turning Point School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At our school, we implement a school wide activity called Circle Groups. These groups meet once a month for 40 minutes and comprise of students in Preschool – 8th grade and faculty/staff.
24 students and 5 faculty/staff took part in this group project. Our 8th graders designed a lesson based on “inner peace” and chose to create a peace garden. Each student was given a flower to write their own “peace inspired words” on. The group then placed their flowers together to create a peace garden. The garden is on display in our hallway to promote inner peace.
Turning Point School

Arts activity type
Interactive & Multimedia
Students played chess in pairs. Different aspects of having a peaceful world were introduced to the students such as engaging in healthy competitions, taking turns, congratulating your winning opponent and fair play.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Interactive & Multimedia
Students played chess in pairs. Different aspects of having a peaceful world were introduced to the students such as engaging in healthy competitions, taking turns, congratulating your winning opponent and fair play.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Interactive & Multimedia
Students played chess in pairs. Different aspects of having a peaceful world were introduced to the students such as engaging in healthy competitions, taking turns, congratulating your winning opponent and fair play.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Interactive & Multimedia
Students played chess in pairs. Different aspects of having a peaceful world were introduced to the students such as engaging in healthy competitions, taking turns, congratulating your winning opponent and fair play.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students worked on paper crafts to create spoons which is a shared resource at home. Works was done using sugar papers.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students worked on paper crafts to create spoons which is a shared resource at home. Works was done using sugar papers.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students watched a mindfulness video book and brainstormed their images of peace like a butterfly, and then created their image and message of sparking peace using recycled materials!

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students watched a mindfulness video book and brainstormed their images of peace like a butterfly, and then created their image and message of sparking peace using recycled materials!

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students watched a mindfulness video book and brainstormed their images of peace like a butterfly, and then created their image and message of sparking peace using recycled materials!

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Fourth Grade through eighth grade students were invited to use medium of their choice to create a piece of art or poster depicting a message of peace.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Fourth Grade through eighth grade students were invited to use medium of their choice to create a piece of art or poster depicting a message of peace.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Fourth Grade through eighth grade students were invited to use medium of their choice to create a piece of art or poster depicting a message of peace.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
We wrote peace poems (collaborativepoems,acrosticpoems,haiku,etc.) We also made puzzle pieces where we shared our peace (picturesofwhatbroughtusinnerpeace). We put all these items on an Awareness Wall, with an artistic piece featuring Martin Luther King Jr. for MLK day.
NA Interact

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students created the art to symbolize their individual responsibility in contributing towards sustainable peace.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
The activity was done by students in the primary and junior school levels. Guided by two club patrons of the art club, students drew doves which is a bird commonly used to symbolize peace.
Flying Kites

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
The activity was done by students in the primary and junior school levels. Guided by two club patrons of the art club, students drew doves which is a bird commonly used to symbolize peace.
Flying Kites
Arts activity type
Interactive & Multimedia
Student submissions for our Spark Peace NEHS Initiative.
Imagine Weston National Elementary Honor Society

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Inspired by the book Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Doreen Rappaport, our fourth graders use painted portraits of Martin Luther King, Jr. and wrote powerful words to promote peace.
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Inspired by the book Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Doreen Rappaport, our fourth graders use painted portraits of Martin Luther King, Jr. and wrote powerful words to promote peace.
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students watched a mindfulness video book and brainstormed their images of peace like a butterfly, and then created their image and message of sparking peace using recycled materials!

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Lower School students began creating peace drawings.
Hackley Beauty & Light

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Lower School students began creating peace drawings.
Hackley Beauty & Light

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At our school, we implement a school wide activity called Circle Groups. These groups meet once a month for 40 minutes and comprise of students in Preschool – 8th grade and faculty/staff.
20 students and 5 faculty/staff took part in this group project. Our 8th graders designed a lesson based on “community harmony” and chose to create peace inspired rocks. Each student was given a rock to paint creating their own “peace inspired” message. The group then placed their rocks on display in our school garden to promote peace and community harmony.
Turning Point School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Tom McCall Roots&Shoots spent several hours at the United Church of Christ, packaging valentine candy bags with student created messages (50) and folded 75 origami Peace Cranes. The Church runs a community pantry which includes refrigerators, freezer, and dry goods for houseless people and any community member needing food. We presented the Church with the Cranes. Folded into the paper was a wishes for peace and hope for the World. Candy valentines will be given out through the pantry to community members.
Tom McCall Roots&Shoots

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Tom McCall Roots&Shoots spent several hours at the United Church of Christ, packaging valentine candy bags with student created messages (50) and folded 75 origami Peace Cranes. The Church runs a community pantry which includes refrigerators, freezer, and dry goods for houseless people and any community member needing food. We presented the Church with the Cranes. Folded into the paper was a wishes for peace and hope for the World. Candy valentines will be given out through the pantry to community members.
Tom McCall Roots&Shoots

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students practiced patience and practiced peace practices while learning origami to create origami pieces with symbols of peace. Others opted to make cut out doves of peace. The students who participated are in an independent studies. The event today was to also foster more social activities for students.
OFY Bellflower Student Leadership

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students practiced patience and practiced peace practices while learning origami to create origami pieces with symbols of peace. Others opted to make cut out doves of peace. The students who participated are in an independent studies. The event today was to also foster more social activities for students.
OFY Bellflower Student Leadership

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students practiced patience and practiced peace practices while learning origami to create origami pieces with symbols of peace. Others opted to make cut out doves of peace. The students who participated are in an independent studies. The event today was to also foster more social activities for students.
OFY Bellflower Student Leadership

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Student art
Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack Art Classes

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Peace is a fundamental asset to community building, personal growth and the survival of our planet. Peaceful co-existence is essential to living meaningful lives and ensuring sustainable societies. Student created plaster castings of their own hands and painted their visions of peace.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Peace is a fundamental asset to community building, personal growth and the survival of our planet. Peaceful co-existence is essential to living meaningful lives and ensuring sustainable societies. Student created plaster castings of their own hands and painted their visions of peace.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students watched peace-related videos and made some drawings and paintings with positive messages. We will continue doing this throughout the year.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts
Students watched peace-related videos and made some drawings and paintings with positive messages. We will continue doing this throughout the year.

Arts activity type
Literary Arts, Visual Arts
We wrote peace poems (collaborativepoems,acrosticpoems,haiku,etc.) We also made puzzle pieces where we shared our peace (picturesofwhatbroughtusinnerpeace). We put all these items on an Awareness Wall, with an artistic piece featuring Martin Luther King Jr. for MLK day.
NA Interact

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
This ‘Words to Live By’ lesson was based on ideas that can inspire and guide us. Students chose to create words that mirror the values of their lives. When we choose a word or words to live by and remind ourselves of them daily — and throughout the day — we can see everything in our life as through the lens of those positive units of peace through language.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
This ‘Words to Live By’ lesson was based on ideas that can inspire and guide us. Students chose to create words that mirror the values of their lives. When we choose a word or words to live by and remind ourselves of them daily — and throughout the day — we can see everything in our life as through the lens of those positive units of peace through language.
Partners for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
Collages made with the theme of peace in mind using upcycled materials.
Homer Township Public Library Teen Volunteers

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
Collages made with the theme of peace in mind using upcycled materials.
Homer Township Public Library Teen Volunteers

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
The Lowe book club students read a story about shelter dogs and learned that dogs suffer from the stress of being left by their owner. The students decided to work with 4H to make homemade dog treats. They followed the suggested recipe that is known to settle the dog’s nerves with the smells of home. 4H was also in need of student made cards for the children at the local hospital. She said that cards from other kids bring them smiles during their stressful stay. Our club members cheerfully helped by making cards that will be attached to donated gifts.
Lowe Cares

Arts activity type
Students followed the engineer process to create hearts out of LEGO bricks to help in the annual Build to Give campaign! By building the hearts students helped LEGO donate millions of LEGO® sets to children around the world in need of the superpower of play. The sets were given to children in hospitals, care homes, vulnerable communities and beyond – covering over 25 countries! What a great way to spread peace to those suffering and who can use a bit of cheering especially during the holidays.
Lowe Cares

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
Kindergarten through 4th grade students participated in creating the mural for the International Global Traveling Mural Project. The inspiration came after reading the book Something Someday by Amanda Gorman. The students wanted the mural to reflect a garden blooming like the boy’s garden in the story. Based on the story’s theme, students thought of ways of spreading kindness to help bring peace to others. They wrote their ideas on the mural to inspire others to do kind deeds. Many of their ideas came from acts of kindness they have done with their families, classmates and friends.
Lowe Cares

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Over a span of three months, ACE collected over 1,283 paper cranes for our Peace Cranes Project, originally inspired by the Japanese legend of 1000 cranes. Collaborating with members of our community, we transformed each sheet of colorful origami paper into vibrant strands of cranes–currently displayed in Dexter High School’s main hallway. This exhibit symbolizes our commitment to peace and unity, especially during the polarized times of the 2024 American Election. It showed us how small acts, such as folding a crane, can bring a community together, reminding us of the importance of unity and beauty found in our differences.
ACE (AAPI Cultures Exchange)

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Over a span of three months, ACE collected over 1,283 paper cranes for our Peace Cranes Project, originally inspired by the Japanese legend of 1000 cranes. Collaborating with members of our community, we transformed each sheet of colorful origami paper into vibrant strands of cranes–currently displayed in Dexter High School’s main hallway. This exhibit symbolizes our commitment to peace and unity, especially during the polarized times of the 2024 American Election. It showed us how small acts, such as folding a crane, can bring a community together, reminding us of the importance of unity and beauty found in our differences.
ACE (AAPI Cultures Exchange)

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Over a span of three months, ACE collected over 1,283 paper cranes for our Peace Cranes Project, originally inspired by the Japanese legend of 1000 cranes. Collaborating with members of our community, we transformed each sheet of colorful origami paper into vibrant strands of cranes–currently displayed in Dexter High School’s main hallway. This exhibit symbolizes our commitment to peace and unity, especially during the polarized times of the 2024 American Election. It showed us how small acts, such as folding a crane, can bring a community together, reminding us of the importance of unity and beauty found in our differences.
ACE (AAPI Cultures Exchange)

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
Students chose a strategy that improves inner peace and mental health. After conducting research, they created an infographic to educate others.
IB Service Learners

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Digital)
Students chose a strategy that improves inner peace and mental health. After conducting research, they created an infographic to educate others.
IB Service Learners
Arts activity type
This video consists of Shirley Akinyi Ochieng’s statement about how music inspires peace for her internally and in society.
One Vibe Africa
Arts activity type
This video consists of Shirley Akinyi Ochieng’s statement about how music inspires peace for her internally and in society.
One Vibe Africa

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Paintings that represented what means means to me.
Collaborative Pod 2

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Our 2nd and 3rd grade student council members connected our Climate Action Day to working towards Peace on Earth. Caring for our environment is one way to make the world a more peaceful place. Students then reflected on what peace means personally to them. May the world unite in peace!
232 Gives a “Hoot” About Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students designed mugs with peaceful scenes, quotes, and imagery. Then, they gathered around to symbolically come together in peace to say cheers to peace!
232 Gives a “Hoot” About Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At Senator Addabbo’s Artist Showcase, a station set up had puzzle pieces and sharpie markers where we asked people to decorate one puzzle piece conveying a message or drawing for peace. These puzzle pieces were glued to a canvas to make sure people never forget that “You are the piece that made peace.”
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At Senator Addabbo’s Artist Showcase, a station set up had puzzle pieces and sharpie markers where we asked people to decorate one puzzle piece conveying a message or drawing for peace. These puzzle pieces were glued to a canvas to make sure people never forget that “You are the piece that made peace.”
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Literary Arts, Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students in Fredericksburg Academy Middle School completed works of art and expression durning our annual Middle School Day of Service.
Fredericksburg Academy

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
After reading Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, said the Sloth by Eric Carle, students analyzed how the Sloth is calm, relaxed and likes to live in peace. Then, they colored sloths in their own unique way and made connections by discussing how they could be more peaceful like sloth.
232 Gives a “Hoot” About Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students had the opportunity to reflect on things in their lives that help them feel peaceful. They painted or printed leaves and added descriptive words personal to them. One goal was to generate awareness of things that give them peace of mind.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students had the opportunity to reflect on things in their lives that help them feel peaceful. They painted or printed leaves and added descriptive words personal to them. One goal was to generate awareness of things that give them peace of mind.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Our 3rd Grade art class made ceramic “Birds in the Hand” sculptures. They also looked at the peace campaign images of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso and made collages of white birds on blue backgrounds.
We talked about inner peace, peace among the people we know and Peace with nature and with the world.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Hand drawing of hands within a human heart
Enrichment at Bethany School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Pumpkins represent the harvest and symbolically the result of our hard work and collaborative effort. The crafting of the pumpkins show how intertwined we are. May the peace pumpkin serve as a reminder of the peace we can cultivate together. 30 pumpkins have been distributed to the teachers in classrooms.
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Pumpkins represent the harvest and symbolically the result of our hard work and collaborative effort. The crafting of the pumpkins show how intertwined we are. May the peace pumpkin serve as a reminder of the peace we can cultivate together. 30 pumpkins have been distributed to the teachers in classrooms.
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Written and decorated affirmations to each other in order to express empathy. These were written during a sharing time and then distributed anonymously in order for everyone to take one home as a reminder to have self-compassion.
Voices of Hope (Cura)

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Written and decorated affirmations to each other in order to express empathy. These were written during a sharing time and then distributed anonymously in order for everyone to take one home as a reminder to have self-compassion.
Voices of Hope (Cura)

Arts activity type
Literary Arts, Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
We made peace art out of model magic clay dyed with washable markers. The short story was written on the back of the peace sculpture.
Pottstown Peace

Arts activity type
This robot was Build a 6 learner . The job of this robot is to provide comfort to people in need . For example hugging someone who is sad
I don’t know yet

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
My fourth graders and I read the book What Does It Mean to Be Present? The book is about mindfulness and being in the moment. Each page has a butterfly on it so we used this as inspiration (aswellaMysteryScienceaboutwhybutterfliesaresocolorful) to create butterflies. My students then wrote words to represent what peace is to them .
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
My fourth graders and I read the book What Does It Mean to Be Present? The book is about mindfulness and being in the moment. Each page has a butterfly on it so we used this as inspiration (aswellaMysteryScienceaboutwhybutterfliesaresocolorful) to create butterflies. My students then wrote words to represent what peace is to them .
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Signs created in Canva and bookmarks for Peace.
Eagles for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Students made peace bookmarks for primary students.
Eagles for Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Peace Posters with markers
Fabulous 4th Graders

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
The importance of peace during remembrance.
Enrichment at Bethany School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
students created artwork about peace
Patterson for peace project

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
students created artwork about peace
Patterson for peace project

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
students created artwork about peace
Patterson for peace project

Arts activity type
Literary Arts
A poem about what peace means to an individual.
Enrichment at Bethany School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
My fourth graders and I read the book What Does It Mean to Be Present? The book is about mindfulness and being in the moment. Each page has a butterfly on it so we used this as inspiration (aswellaMysteryScienceaboutwhybutterfliesaresocolorful) to create butterflies. My students then wrote words to represent what peace is to them .
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
My fourth graders and I read the book What Does It Mean to Be Present? The book is about mindfulness and being in the moment. Each page has a butterfly on it so we used this as inspiration (aswellaMysteryScienceaboutwhybutterfliesaresocolorful) to create butterflies. My students then wrote words to represent what peace is to them .
Spreckels Wildcats

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
The students in the 318A HR at CTK HS are in the picture holding peace keychains! This is a walking art display to have as a reminder to ourselves and others that peace is the key!
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
The students in the 318A HR at CTK HS are in the picture holding peace keychains! This is a walking art display to have as a reminder to ourselves and others that peace is the key!
Let’s go for the Gold and Achieve Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Oil pastel resist of what means means to each artist.
Collaborative Pod 2

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Youth explored character traits that contribute to personal and community peace. They chose one or more traits that are the most important to them and then made an personal honor shield.
John Marshall High School Bears

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Youth explored character traits that contribute to personal and community peace. They chose one or more traits that are the most important to them and then made an personal honor shield.
John Marshall High School Bears

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Holly has created a visual drawing of a hobby that brings her peace and calmness and hopes to bring this forward for someone else.
Enrichment at Bethany School

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Youth were given training for self soothing strategies that help to center yourself back into a peaceful state in the event of stress. They were to use those startegies, other strategies they may know of to create art to target peace.
John Marshall High School Bears

Arts activity type
Literary Arts
Youth created poems with each line starting with a letter in the word PEACE.
Collaborative Pod 2

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
students created artwork using watercolor paints and acrylic paints
Patterson for peace project

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
students created artwork using watercolor paints and acrylic paints
Patterson for peace project

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
We created a “Kindness Rock Garden” to share messages of peace and belonging at our school.
Highcroft Huskies Bark Peace

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
At our school, students came together to participate in a vibrant and meaningful art project that celebrated our unity through diversity. Each student created a square in the bold colors of the American flag—red, white, and blue—transforming simple pieces of ART into a stunning mosaic of creativity and expression. The classroom buzzed with excitement, laughter as students shared stories about their roots while collaborating on a shared vision. This project, aptly titled “United We Stand,” was not just about artistic expression; it was a powerful reminder of our collective identity and pride as an American. The finished artwork, displaying an array of colorful squares, stands as a testament to how we can achieve a peaceful community with still being different. We can ALL come together to form something beautiful, illustrating that while we each have our unique backgrounds, we are all part of one nation.
WCMS Dragons

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Our submission depicts a globe with the symbol of peace and a bookshelf with books about peace.

Arts activity type
Visual Arts (Handcrafted)
Youth wrote affirmation statements to help sooth and be more mindful for personal peace. These affirmations used the hard crust and plainness of a geode on the outside and then when breaking through crusts of emotion and trauma to find inner beauty for peace. Discussions include: Focusing on inner work. Face painful emotional situations. Enhance our lives through self-growth. Benefit physical health and wellbeing when finding personal peace. Build strength and courage to overcome challenges and keep moving ahead.
John Marshall High School Bears
See what students are creating around the world
Use this map to find other teams participating in the project — the pins show where teams created their works of creative expression. Click the icons to learn how the programs you helped fund are making a difference.
Browse Project Resources
Activity guides, lesson plans, videos, and more to help you implement Students Rebuild in your school or organization.
The programs your art helps fund
For each Students Rebuild annual Project, we partner with high-impact organizations working on the ground to help strengthen communities worldwide—many of them household names. The funds we donate transform student work into immediate, on-the-ground progress for carefully vetted programs that are evaluated according to the outcomes they produce. In addition to extending our reach and helping our funding make more of a difference, our partners also inform the resources we provide to teachers and students.
- Impact Partners
- Participation Partners
- Amplification Partners
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Is there an active Students Rebuild Project right now?
Yes! The Spark Peace Project, which kicked off in the fall of 2024, will run until the summer of 2025. Students can participate by creating a project that reflects their ideas about peace and compassion and submitting it through our website.
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When is the deadline to submit creative expressions to the Spark Peace Project?
The Spark Peace Project will end in June 2025. Please make sure to register and submit your creative expressions before then.