Photos courtesy of Tenacre Tigers Challenge Team
Thank you for taking the Students Rebuild Healing Classrooms Challenge to help young Syrian refugees heal and learn during this time of crisis. Want to do even more? Take part in our Healing Classrooms Challenge Spring Promotion February 1 – March 21, 2016!
Extra Donations! The Bezos Family Foundation will match all pinwheels we receive during the promo period with an extra fifty cents per pinwheel. This means each of your pinwheels we receive postmarked February 1 – March 21, 2016 will generate a $2.50 donation to the IRC’s Healing Classrooms program!
__Team Contests! __
During the promotion period, we’re also awarding special prizes to teams! Your team could win in two prize categories:
- Pinwheels Category: Mail in as many pinwheels as you can, postmarked by March 21, 2016. The team that sends in the most pinwheels by that deadline will receive:
- A shout out in our newsletter and social media
- At least five Google Cardboard virtual reality headsets for your team / classroom
- The opportunity to participate in a live webcast between the U.S. and Lebanon
- Reflection Category: By midnight Pacific Time on March 21, 2016, share your thoughts with us about why you’re participating in the Students Rebuild Healing Classrooms Challenge and what you’ve learned about the Syrian refugee crisis and about yourself since you took the Challenge. You can submit your reflections to us in one of three formats: a written essay, photo essay or video essay.
The four teams with the highest-rated reflection essays will receive:
- Publication of their essays as a blog on the Students Rebuild website
- A shout out in our newsletter and social media
- At least five Google Cardboard virtual reality headsets for your team / classroom
- The opportunity to participate in a live webcast between the U.S. and Lebanon
Spring Promotion Participation Details: Please read these important details about the promotion:
Only one team can win in the Pinwheels category. Up to four teams total can win in the Reflection category.
It is possible for the same team to enter and win in both Spring Promotion categories (Pinwheels and Reflection).
For the Reflection category, written essays must be submitted via email with the subject line “Written Essay Spring Promotion.” Essays must be no longer than 500 words. They can be sent as a Word document attachment to the email, or the essay text can be included in the body of the email.
If your reflection essay is selected as a winner, we may request a high resolution photo to accompany it when the essay is turned into a blog post for the Students Rebuild website. You are welcome to send one or more photos with your essay submission.
Written essays will be rated based on the following attributes:
- Is the writing of good quality (i.e. accurate grammar and punctuation, clarity)?
- Did the writer describe his or her reasons for taking the Challenge?
- Did the writer describe what he or she learned about the Syrian refugee crisis?
- Did the writer describe what he or she learned by taking the Challenge?
- Overall, did the essay show the writer grew, learned or genuinely engaged in the Challenge topic?
Due to their file size, photo and video essays should not be sent via email. Please post your photo essay or video online and send us a link to it via email. Please use the subject line: “Photo Essay Spring Promotion” or “Video Essay Spring Promotion” depending upon the format of your submission.
Video essays should not exceed three minutes in length. Videos shot with a phone must be oriented horizontally (i.e. please turn your phone sideways to avoid black bars on both sides of the video).
Photo and Video essays will be rated based on the following attributes:
- Is the work of good quality (are images clear or blurry or if there is sound, is it audible, etc.)?
- Did the submitter demonstrate his or her reasons for taking the Challenge?
- Did the submitter demonstrate his or her understanding of the Syrian refugee crisis?
- Did the submitter demonstrate what he or she learned and/or was affected by taking the Challenge?
- Overall, did the photos or video describe how the submitter grew, learned or genuinely engaged in the Challenge topic?
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
The Students Rebuild Healing Classrooms Challenge, in partnership with the International Rescue Committee and Global Nomads Group, helped Syrian youth from conflict areas recover from the crisis and grow into happy, healthy adults. The Bezos Family Foundation matched every pinwheel you made and mailed in with $2–up to $400,000–to support IRC’s Healing Classrooms program.