Creative Reaction Lab’s Youth-Focused Arts Activism

During the Students Rebuild World Needs Challenge, our partner Creative Reaction Lab launched its Artwork for Equity Advocacy Campaign (A4E) in recognition of the United Nation’s International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In support of their work for racial and health equity, Artwork for Equity selects young Black and Latinx designers and artists (26 and under) to produce original images in the form of posters promoting inclusion, equity, liberation and justice for all races.

The Creative Reaction Lab team aims to support and equip youth artists and designers with the necessary training and skill that allow youth to leverage their artistic talents as a form of activism to create transformative change.

One of the main goals of the program is to raise consciousness around historical and contemporary forms of limited access to educational resources and opportunities that impact Black and Latinx communities in the United States, while also highlighting resistance movements and achievements.

So far this year, participants have been immersed in learning our Equity Centered Community Design framework to help build their knowledge of our processes. From there, they received individualized guidance from our team to begin creating their pieces. Now, their pieces have been finalized and sent to print.

Next steps will include creating a microsite for the work to be viewed online, promoting each artist and their work via all social media, and collaborating with various art museums to exhibit their work.

In addition, ten youth focused arts-equity and activism CBO’s were recently announced as recipients of Equity Impact Awards! In partnership with the Bezos Family Foundation, Creative Reaction Lab awarded $25,000 to various organizations that center youth development with an arts and equity focus.

Love for LA

Until February 14th, submit a special Love for LA Spark Peace Project to help youth affected by the LA Wildfires and spark donations to peacebuilding organizations. Click here to join the project!

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Wildfires Wellness

Through partnerships with local and national organizations, #CreateConnectCare’s Wildfires Wellness section offers a comprehensive collection of mental health resources for young people, educators, and parents. Explore tools, find support, and share your story through creative expression.

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